Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shinsei Kata

We believed Shinsei Kata was created by Kenwa Mabuni. This kata is not practiced at all the Shito style of karate group. Only certain groups that has the opportunity to learn it would be able to perform it and explain it with depth.

The following table are all the Shitoryu katas with indication of their source:


Itosu Ke

Higaonna Ke

Mabuni Ke

Pinan Shodan Sanchin Shinsei
Pinan Nidan Tensho Juroku
Pinan Sandan Saiha Happo Sho
PinanYondan Seienchin Kenshu
Pinan Godan Seipai Kensho
Jitte Seisan Kenpaku
Jiin Shisochin Aoyagi
Jion Sanseiru Myojo
Matsukaze Kururunha Shinpa
Rohai Suparinpai Shiho Kosokun
Bassai Dai Niseishi
Bassai Sho Sochin
Matsumura Bassai Unshu
Kosokun Dai Nipaipo
Kosokun Sho
Naihanchi Shodan
Naihanchi Nidan
Naihanchi Sandan
Rohai Shodan
Rohai Nidan
Rohai Sandan
extracted from:

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