KSK Annual General Meeting 2010

KSK has successfully conducted her AGM 2010 on 9th September 2010, at Tanglin Community Club, 4.00pm. The members present have no strong objection to all the proposed items.
The AGM started with the Address by the President, Mr. Roland Teo C. S. then followed by adoption of 2010 Annual Report, Minutes of AGM 2009 and the Annual Statement of Accounts. From the Hon. Treasurer report, the Club is still at healthy financial status. The President has suggested to have KSK own training dojo, and he has taken the task to look for one within the financial capability of the Club. Mr. Mark A. also will be looking into the fund-raising task to further secure the Club's financial status. The Meeting also concerned on the recruitment of new trainees. The Club may go and sell advertisement to achieve this objective.
The Meeting close at 4.30pm with a vote of thanks to the President.