Monday, March 23, 2009

Kata Heian Nidan

Some relevant information about Heian Nidan

Heian Nidan, the second of the Heian Kata series is a very popular kata among new students. This kata is a very powerful kata, which builds upon the fundamentals introduced in Heian Shodan, while also using new techniques.

The representative movements of this kata, like most, are the opening techniques Haiwan uke, the double block followed by the punch. This develops a strong use of the hips, while developing the ability to execute more than one technique from one position, while generating impressive amounts of power.

With 26 movements, this kata should approximately take about 50-60 seconds to perform, and is more physically demanding, both athletically and fundamentally than Heian Shodan, acting as a useful stepping-stone.

As mentioned in Heian Shodan, the Heian Kata are representative of Karate-Do, and represents the attitude that must accompany the karate training. The word Heian is also used in Japanese history to describe the period between 794-1192, a time of unprecedented peace and security throughout the land, under the rule of the Heian dynasty.

When you then think about the symbolic significance of the word ‘Heian’, a deeper respect and appreciation for the kata will follow.

Extract from:

The old name for the Heian Kata was Pinan. These Kata were developed by Yatasune Itosu as intermediate Kata to the much longer main Kata of Shorin-Ryu. He did not make them up however, they were based on much older training forms called Channan, which had their origin in China.

Master Funakoshi considered Pinan Shodan too difficult for an introductory Kata so he changed Pinan Nidan to Heian Shodan and Pinan Shodan to Heian Nidan.

Extracted from:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Workshop by Sensei Ondra Musil

Kumite Workshop at Shitoryu Karate Association, 8th March 2009

Sensei Ondra Musil has conducted a two day workshop at Shitoryu Karate Association premises on free sparring techniques. The workshop was opened to friendly clubs of SKA. KSK was invited to participate in thid workshop. Our members participated in it, and benefited with Sensei Ondra's coaching method and contents. Sensei Ondra Musil is the head coach for the Czech National Team.

Sensei Ondra Musil with the Seniors

The group photograph

Sensei Ondra in action

The technique of sweeping

Another technique demonstrated here.

Our member Esther in action

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Learning has no end

Shihan Chia recently attended the Strength and Conditioning Training Workshop, organized by Singapore Sports Council. No Doubt, Shihan Chia has his Degree in Sports Science; but to him, learning has no end, he believes everyone has some valueable experience and knowledge that he could learn from him or her. Furthermore, Sports Science is an evolving science, it would develope new scopes of knowledge through sports scientists' research.